We are here in Houston and the kids are having a great time playing with cousins while Dave & I are enjoying being in a real city with good food!! I bet I have already gained 10 pounds! :o) Oh well, it is the holidays, right? All the adults went out to a little French restaurant last night and it was REALLY good and then tonight we went to our favorite Mexican food place here. I am stuffed!!! We took the girlies to the Children's Museum today and of course, they LOVED it. I will have to put up pictures when we get home. Along with that, I will be sending out Christmas cards...I worked like a dog before we left so that I would have everything I needed (copies of letter, stamps, etc.) so that as soon as they were delivered to Grandma's house, I could get them in the mail. Guess what? They were shipped (b/c I paid extra $$) to Amarillo. I should have caught that on the confirmation but since I knew I had checked Grandma's address, I didn't even think about it. It was my fault, made in haste, but still VERY frustrating. I hope they are appreciated more when everyone gets them...AFTER Christmas!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Over the river and thru the woods...
...to Grandmother's house we go! We are off this afternoon - our plane leaves at 5. I have laid our a few things, printed packing lists, and already had a bath this morning so I think I will make it. I haven't gotten a lot done as we have had a lot going on this week (we celebrated Christmas with my mom Wednesday night and had a b-day party to go to last night) but the main thing is that Addi has been sick! Poor girly! I didn't think she looked herself on Sunday - & didn't even go to a basketball clinic - but then I got a call from school Monday to come get her. She has run a fever everyday since - at least it is not as high (it was 104.5 Tuesday! - YIKES!) and we are going for longer periods of time between fevers. I hope my girly gets to feeling better soon - I feel so bad for her. Not only has she missed classwork and tests, but also her Christmas party at school and the birthday party last night! Gotta run - have SSSSSSSOOOOOOOO much to do - I'll try to post later from Houston!
Random thoughts by Kay at 7:21 AM 0 things that make me smile
Monday, December 15, 2008
Card or No Card???
Random thoughts by Kay at 8:57 AM 3 things that make me smile
Friday, December 12, 2008
13 Years!
Today as I was having coffee with some friends, I shared with them that 13 years ago today, I was lying on an operating table...and lying on an operating table...and lying on an operating table while my poor hubby (of just over a year) and our families had to sit in the waiting room for 14 hours! December 12, 1995 was the day I had my surgery for a "very large" acoustic neuroma. I have always said that I had the easy job - I just laid there! My friend reminded me that I would have to change the description of my blog. Even though I don't necessarily "celebrate" this day, it will be forever etched in my mind as a day to remember. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit nostalgic (mainly for my smile) but I am glad of the person I have become because of it and THANKFUL that I am here today & have such wonderful family and friends! I love you all and I know that I would not have been to make it through the last 13 years like I have if it weren't for each of you and how you have helped in my life. Thanks one & all!! Of course, the biggest thanks goes to our incredible Creator who carried us along when we couldn't make on our own!
Random thoughts by Kay at 3:50 PM 3 things that make me smile
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Card Attempt & Christmas Party
Random thoughts by Kay at 10:11 AM 1 things that make me smile
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Shopping & Researching...
I have been spending all my computer time at home lately either doing Internet shopping or researching about a camera that I would like for Christmas. Whether I get it or not remains to be seen because I think what I want is too much money. However, anyone that knows me well, knows that I research the heck out of major purchases because I want to find THE BEST DEAL OUT THERE (yes, Kristen - I know you are laughing to yourself right now!). The latest was a new pair of shoes to workout in - I will say that I returned the 1st pair I got because I went to "one more store" to check prices and they had them for $50 less!! That's a lot of money to save when you don't care about last year's colors - just the performance of the shoe! Anyway, that has been consuming all my time when I am not out running the girlies places.
I changed the background again because they have so many cute Christmas ones and it is so easy to change. I love the colors of this one so I will leave it for a few days, even though some of the text is kind of cut off & hard to read! :o)
Random thoughts by Kay at 10:57 PM 1 things that make me smile
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Have you ever?
Have you ever...
Stole this from Jenn's blog...you copy and paste and then highlight the ones you've done...
Feel free to play along!
1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty (as far as they will let you now...not the top :( )
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when you're not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Ran a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo's David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain.
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving - but I was always planning to until I had brain surgery & they told me I couldn't!! :o(
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone's life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a law suit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
Random thoughts by Kay at 8:12 PM 2 things that make me smile
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
It has been a bit busy here (like it isn't usually?) with Addi's birthday and getting ready for Grandma and Grandad's visit for Addi's birthday (& Emee's piano recital). They got here Saturday before all the games/recitals and then left for Houston this morning. We (the 5 of of us & Mimi) are leaving tomorrow when Dave gets off work to go to my brother's in Fort Worth. It is our year to be here for Thanksgiving but we thought that a change in scenery would do us all good and since there is nothing (or rather no one) tying us here - we are off! I guess I should get up & get some laundry started so we will have clean clothes to take!
Random thoughts by Kay at 12:46 PM 1 things that make me smile
Friday, November 21, 2008
Update on Sophie...or umm...Sport
So here is the update on the cat...I guess I wasn't very clear on my last post because when we decided to keep the cat, we brought it into the house. It's litter box is in the garage and it sleeps there, but it comes in the house in the day. One of the reasons Dave said we could keep it was that it was getting cold outside and he didn't want it staying out in the cold. It is a pretty good kitty - we had a few rough days there - it kept going to the bathroom on MY side of the bed (for me to discover a wet bed when I am ready to crawl in is NOT a pleasant thing!!). It started this when it was about to explode because the lid was on the litter box and the cat wasn't sure about that - HOPEFULLY we have that issue resolved now...after washing the comforter, blanket, sheets, and mattress pad on the sanitary cycle (glad I have it!)which takes 2 hours per load - 3 TIMES OVER!!! One of the thing I have realized is how grateful I am to have a front-loader washing machine so I didn't have to go to the laundry mat but HELLO...that was a LOT of time spent trying to get all that cleaned - time I could've have spent washing our clothing that we need EVERYday!! Anyway, on to more interesting things...you know the story of how Kendie immediately started calling the cat "Sophie"...I kept asking Dave if he was SURE the cat was female (I had my doubts) but since he used to work for a vet, I deferred to his knowledge. Well, he has decided now that "Sophie" is in fact, a MALE! Great, so now we have a transvestite cat with a collar that says "Sophie." At first, Kendie was in COMPLETE denial that it was a boy and continued to INSIST that its name was Sophie. We threw out MANY names, but finally settled on SPORT (short for Sporticus) because really, Sport could go either way on the gender scale of names...if we are still confused...poor cat, I KNOW it is!! We are still working on the whole dog vs. cat issues...I'll keep you updated! Always interesting at our house!! :o)
Random thoughts by Kay at 7:58 AM 1 things that make me smile
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Birthday Party
Remember how when they are little and you spend weeks planning the "perfect" birthday party, with all the NEAT extras that will make this the BEST party ever?? Well, I have done my share of that (especially with Addi's first few when the others weren't here yet) but yesterday afternoon I did the unthinkable....I planned a party for TONIGHT!! Yep - just over 24 hours! (Now I do have to pause & say that I did throw a quickie together for Kendie last year at McDonald's because all the sudden I was having that T3 surgery in Baltimore but that was kind of a special circumstance AND it wasn't this quick!) Addi's 11th birthday is Tuesday and I've discovered that is the age when they are just starting that whole awkward stage and not sure if they want a party or not. At breakfast yesterday morning I finally said, "OK, we HAVE to decide on this party thing." We had talked about just going taking a friend or two to the paint your own pottery place and then for ice cream - VERY low key. So yesterday when I picked the girlies up from school and was heading to Starbucks for hot chocolate (Fun Friday - we get a treat), I called one of her best friend's mom & was asking if we could take her to Brush With Art. All the sudden Addi said, "WAIT! I don't want to do that!" I about had a wreck - hadn't we just gone over that a few hours earlier?? I told the mom I'd have to call her back (good thing she my good friend & understands girls) and tried to calmly ask Addi what she would like to do. She told me that she would like to go Midnight Bowling (they turn off all the lights and certain things like the ball and pins glow in the dark-good thing!), which at least is something we had talked about before. We called the bowling alley and found out that they only offer that on Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday nights - thank goodness it starts at 8 - so we picked TONIGHT!! The most surprising thing is that all 3 girls are able to go!! Can you believe that?? I told the moms that I would come & get them and then we would probably go get ice cream or hot chocolate afterwards and then I would bring them home. How easy was that?? I told Dave about it after it was all done!! Maybe we'll have pictures later!! Wish us luck - I am a bit nervous about the bowling alley crowd at "Midnight Bowling" on a Saturday night!!
Random thoughts by Kay at 9:30 AM 0 things that make me smile
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Random thoughts by Kay at 8:35 AM 2 things that make me smile
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Even though we stayed busy this weekend, we didn't run around like we usually do so it was kind of nice! We only had 1 game yesterday - Addi basketball (25-4 we won) - and then Emee had figure skating. It was kind of more like last night - you know figure skating comes last in the line for the ice so we just have to take what we can get! We don't have a rink with ice year round so we can only have the ice when it is hockey season. In fact, there will be NO ice until the 1st or 2nd week of December - can you believe that?? It is definitely different than any sport the girlies have ever been involved in (& believe me, we've done a LOT!). It is very expensive, time consuming and COLD (freezing sitting in the stands for over an hour) but she told me again last night how much she LOVES it so that definitely makes it worthwhile!! Today after church we went to eat with some friends & then Kendie & I took a LONG nap - I think we BOTH need a nap once a week to make it through!! Addi had Cotillion (I've never known her to HATE something so bad!) & Dave was to be there with her part of the time to be her dance partner. I think it went "pretty" well. Emee & Kendie go to KidzPraize on Sundays so they are there now. I know it doesn't really seem like it to some, but this was an easy going kind of weekend for us!! :o) I think I am ready for colder weather now that we don't have as much going on (& soccer season is over!)...
Random thoughts by Kay at 6:04 PM 0 things that make me smile
Friday, November 7, 2008
New Family Member
Random thoughts by Kay at 2:10 PM 1 things that make me smile
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Trick or Trick
Random thoughts by Kay at 2:38 PM 0 things that make me smile
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Alone in the Universe
Random thoughts by Kay at 11:14 AM 1 things that make me smile
Some new songs...
I have been trying since BEFORE we went to Baltimore for my T3 surgery in March to change the music on this blog. I wanted to add "Good Morning Baltimore" - I thought that was pretty appropriate. However, I could not get the password to work and they would NEVER send me a new one (or address any of my concerns-NEVER heard from them) - I have been e-mailing them since March!! I tried setting up a new account, but since they already had my address - they wouldn't let me use that one again! ARRRRRR! I finally set up a new playlist a while ago using my mom's address (I knew she wouldn't be needing a playlist since she never even turns her computer on!!) and wrote the information down this time!! I never put it on here because I was so afraid I would lose everything. Well, now that I have played with adding stuff to the blog and know more how to do it - I switched it today! SNAPS for me!! Also, I have to comment on the little sign on the side. I love it and think it adds something (or I wouldn't have put it up here, would I?). I love what it says but the "Be Clean" comment cracks me up - why would they put that on there with the other stuff?? What do you think?
Random thoughts by Kay at 9:14 AM 0 things that make me smile
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I became a STALKER...
...in the produce section of WalMart!! Yesterday as Kendie & I were finishing up our shopping, I saw a lady in the vegetables with a half-paralyzed face. I kept pushing my cart around trying to decide if I could say something. I finally did because she could see that MY face was not right either - it wasn't like I was going to make fun of her or something! I asked her what happened to her face and she replied, "I had some surgery and this happened," and she kind of motioned towards her head. I then ask if she had a brain tumor and she said,"yesssss" and I said, "an Acoustic Neuroma?" Of course by this time she is really looking at me strangely but she answered yes and I said "ME TOO!!" I couldn't believe that just out of the blue I saw a new someone that had undergone the same thing as me! These tumors occur to 1 in every 100,000. We stood there talking for a long time (Kendie was SOOO good) and then we exchanged numbers. We are maybe going to go to lunch sometime! A new friend that I have so much in common with...did I mention she is 82? I guess that is a little difference, I don't think we will be raising our kids together or anything, but I was still excited!! :o)
Random thoughts by Kay at 8:25 AM 2 things that make me smile
Monday, October 20, 2008
I realize that this is not the best picture in the world of us, but when I saw it, my first thought was, "Hey! My face doesn't look too bad here." You know what? I think that is probably the first time in almost 13 years that I have thought that!! Another thing is that my friend, Diane, (who took this at our Fall Festival at church) sent it with the message that said something to the effect that "there's a happy man!" I put this on the Acoustic Neuroma board and several other people made similar comments. Well, not only is he a happy man, I'm a happy lady and VERY blessed to have such a wonderful hubby who loves me and our precious daughters so much!! I love you with all my heart Dave!!
Random thoughts by Kay at 12:04 PM 1 things that make me smile
Wednesday, October 15, 2008




Random thoughts by Kay at 5:35 PM 2 things that make me smile
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I'm so excited! My friend had these cute backgrounds on her blog, but every time I tried to get to them, there were problems. Apparently, it wasn't just me as they have TOTALLY redone their website and before that they had a note on it that said to be patient with them. Of course, the 1st 500 times I tried, they hadn't put that up yet so I did think it was me!! LOL!! Anyway, I am very excited because it is super easy to change and when I get bored or it is a new holiday...WHA-LA!!
Random thoughts by Kay at 9:46 PM 2 things that make me smile
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Busier than usual...
Things are ALWAYS busy and crazy here, but it has been a bit crazier than usual. Tuesday afternoon we received word that they were transporting my 88 year old grandmother to the ER. She was conscious, but unresponsive, her BP was VERY high and she would not eat or drink. We think that she had another stroke and there was really not a lot that they could do for her in the hospital and so we took her back to the group home that she has been living in. They take INCREDIBLE care of her and we have been very pleased with having her there. We met with & set up Hospice care for her. She seems to still be aware of all that goes on around her and you can tell she tries to communicate with her eyes. They have been able to get a little bit of food/drink down her. Since my mom fell and broke her leg, we have kept her here with us most of the time so we can help her do stuff. She is unable to drive so I have been going back & forth between my grandma and the girlies - which I would have done anyway, but it takes a little longer with a walker/wheelchair!! LOL! We will make it, but please keep out family, especially my mom, in your prayers.
Random thoughts by Kay at 8:36 PM 2 things that make me smile
Monday, September 29, 2008
A WHOLE week??
Where did time go? I can't believe that I haven't written in over a week. I had surgery on Tuesday morning and I guess that kind of took me out that day and then I took Wednesday really easy. I guess I am getting old as I didn't "hit the ground running" like I have before after these eye surgeries. Of course, I knew that I had the Hoedown on Friday so I had save my energy for that. I think all in all the Hoedown went well - I started setting up for it that morning at 9:30 and got home about 9 that night. Aside from the fact that we at least broke even, the best thing is that it is OVER!! :o) Saturday we had a soccer game in the morning and 2 volleyball games that afternoon. Sunday was church, soccer game and KidzPraize. Mom watched the girlies and Dave & I went out to dinner last night. Note to self: don't try to go out in this town on a Sunday night - we had already found out that everything was closed on Monday nights, but we didn't know everything was closed on Sundays too. We wound up eating at the 6th restaurant we went to (Chili's)...and it is right down the street from our house!! Emee told Dave that we needed to change our "Date Night" so we could go to a "Fancy Restaurant" but hey, you gotta go when someone offers to watch your kiddos!! Isn't that an exciting weekend?? I will try to put up some pictures tomorrow!
Random thoughts by Kay at 6:45 PM 2 things that make me smile
Monday, September 22, 2008
Random thoughts by Kay at 6:05 PM 1 things that make me smile
Sunday, September 14, 2008
This & that...
Random thoughts by Kay at 7:26 PM 1 things that make me smile
Friday, September 5, 2008
I have been looking for a PART-time job now for a few weeks - not pounding the pavement, but definitely getting the word out, applying at a couple of places (to tutor with the school district), and making some calls. I have not heard anything positive BUT I am convinced that all this is happening for a reason. I'm not real sure what that is right now but I know it will all make sense later! I still need to have my eye weight repaired so maybe I need to wait until that is over and done with. I went to my regular eye doctor last Tuesday and now he is sending me to another - I see him a week from this Tuesday. In the mean time, I have been making pretty good use of my time (I think...hope!). Just in the past few days, I have spoken to 4 different people who were in various stages of the whole acoustic neuroma journey - 1 was just diagnosed, 1 is just researching options (even though she was diagnosed a couple of months ago was waiting for summer to be over), 1 had surgery in January and is just wanting to find out more of the recovery time-line (she is in Canada), & 1 was just having a crummy day - I'm not exactly sure how far out she is, maybe 3 months (she is the only other person that I have known of that has had her eye sewn shut). It is such a good feeling to know that I can maybe do a little to help someone go through something that I have. Unfortunately, that doesn't pay the bills, but it sure makes me feel good! I also am working trying to get the food secured for our Hoedown at the girlies' school and various other tasks for the 5th Grade Committee that I am in charge of! All that and then running girlies EVERYWHERE in the afternoons...& I wonder why I am tired?? Time to go to bed now... :o)
Random thoughts by Kay at 10:16 PM 2 things that make me smile
Monday, September 1, 2008
Dancing in the Rain!
Random thoughts by Kay at 5:38 PM 7 things that make me smile
Kendie's 1st Day
Random thoughts by Kay at 5:32 PM 1 things that make me smile
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
First Day of School
Yesterday was the 1st Day of School here (as I think it probably was for all PUBLIC schools in TEXAS since they passed that new law last year!) We were SOOOOOOO excited - the girlies, not necessarily mom! - and we had really built it up that they would all be at the same school this 1 year. Even bigger than that, it was Kendie's 1st day of Kindergarten...and she was sick! She had to stay home!! I was so sad for her to have to miss it. Her teacher sent her an e-mail and told her that all of her new friends were worried about her. Her reply, "WOW! I already have new friends!" Thank you Ms. Rhonda for taking the extra time & effort to make her feel special! Another funny thing that she said the other day when I told her we needed to get her special ring that I have gotten for all the girlies when they go to Kindergarten so they know that Mommy & Daddy love them was, "NO! I don't want a ring - I KNOW that y'all love me!" Ok, well I guess that'll save some money...I have to go now as I have a very impatient little who wants to play Noggin.com!!
Random thoughts by Kay at 9:01 AM 4 things that make me smile
Friday, August 22, 2008
Last Day of Summer...
Today is the last official day of summer - of course, we still have the weekend before school actually starts on Monday, but today is the last weekday. I think that the girlies are very excited and ready to start, but I can honestly say I'm really not. I have never been one of those mothers that is ready to get them out of the house because she "needs a break." I truly enjoy spending time with my girlies. Yes, there is the occasional times when I wish they wouldn't fight or squabble, but overall we have a lot of fun just hanging out (I think). We were on the go so much this summer that I never even heard "I'm bored!" - I do think it helped having them brainstorm & make the "I'm Bored" jar and come up with the consequences if they said that too much - but we NEVER used that once!! We have to run to WalMart to get a couple of things for school. I pre-ordered the supplies this year which was nice except some of the things are kind of weird - Addi's "pencil bag" is really a red bank (money) bag - I am NOT going to make her use that when everyone else (who purchased their own supplies AND the others w/ mothers like me) will have a fun, cutesy one! Also, I tried to make sure of the brands on the list (some brands do just last better than others). Emee & Kendie's markers are Crayola but Addi's is some weirdo brand that I have never heard of & the last time we pre-ordered they didn't work but a week. I want to pick up the stuff NOW while it is on sale! I think that we are going to the pool too for the last time this year this afternoon. We had a great time in San Antonio. It didn't rain until Monday as we were preparing to go to the airport. It was really overcast the other days, but that didn't stop us so the girlies really enjoyed the Lazy River. Dave & I both got massages - heaven! Emee had another birthday party and finally got the much coveted Hannah Montana wig!! I'll get pictures up later! The last day of summer is slipping by me...
Random thoughts by Kay at 10:55 AM 0 things that make me smile
Friday, August 15, 2008
Hyatt Hill Country
Today we are leaving for our last get away before school starts. We are going to the Hyatt Hill Country outside San Antonio to meet up with all of Dave's family. There are usually 25 of us when we all get together, but I am afraid some will be missing as they will be wrapping up summer jobs or heading off to college. Still, the HHC will not know what hit them, I am afraid!! Last time we went, when my MIL went into the little snack shop and was charging something, she heard one of the ladies behind the counter say to the other, "This is the REAL Mrs. ****!!!" That is scary!! Believe it or not, I have most of the packing done - just not in a suitcase yet - we packed as we watched the Olympics last night. WHOO-HOO!! Way to go AMERICA and especially Nastia and Shawn!! OK, funny story: Last time we went to the HHC (we didn't go last summer), we were all in the dining room at breakfast. (You just kind of throw something on and tumble in because you change into your bathing suit right after that & spend the whole day at the Lazy River.) I saw a girl a couple of tables over and kept thinking that she looked familiar - I decided that she must have gone to college where I did because I just couldn't shake the feeling that I knew her. I was about to get out of my seat to go over & ask her if I knew her from school when it hit me who she was. It was Mary Lou Retton! HELLO, how stupid would I have felt if I had made it over there? She would've thought that I was just some groupie thinking I had a good line into meeting her! We saw her on the coverage last night and I told Dave that I guess we wouldn't have to worry about her being at the HHC this year! Also, I told Dave that I bet public high school had started or will start before Shawn Johnson gets back and I wondered if she would get an excused absence for missing the 1st few days? Dave said he wondered if she would have to have a Dr.'s note or if it was OK that the WHOLE WORLD saw her on TV instead and knew what she was doing!! LOL!! I was so proud of them both! Well, I better close so I can go get a few things done and then it is off for a couple of days of just floating around in the Lazy River, playing on the sandy beach, enjoying family, and hopefully some time for the big girls at the SPA!! Thanks again to wonderful grandparents who do everything that they can to provide times for their family to stay close, connected & involved in one anothers' lives! Pray for SUNSHINE!! :o)
Random thoughts by Kay at 7:42 AM 1 things that make me smile
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Sad Day
I went to the funeral this morning of my dear friend, Ernestine. While I KNOW where she is and how much she is enjoying being free of her earthly body that had failed her in so many ways, I still am very sad. The thing that bothers me the most is that 3 different people have told me how much I meant to her and how every time that they went to visit her, she asked about me and told them how much I meant to her (even her sisters from out of town mentioned me to a lady from our church last night). I am privileged and honored that she held me in such high regard - I couldn't ask for a better compliment - but I feel that I failed her by not taking more time to be with her or visit her these last few months. Dave reminded me that we have had a busy (& physically demanding) few months, but what about before that? and all the other stuff I have made time to do? I know, I know, I have a family to take care and that she totally understood, but I still feel like I should have done more for her...:o( I have learned my lesson - I will try to do better about "seeing" to people and taking time for others. I seem to have a special place in my heart for the "more mature" crowd at church and maybe it is not just enough to go up & check on them at services and give them a hug - I might be the one they are looking to for a little more. Who knows? I just know I want to try to make more effort because I don't want to feel this way again! I will miss Ernestine's sweet spirit - she was beautiful inside and out. She always had a twinkle in her eye and I know it radiated her goodness from within. I only hope that I can be a fraction of the LADY she was - truly a woman of Proverbs 31.
Random thoughts by Kay at 2:17 PM 2 things that make me smile
Friday, August 8, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMEE!! Today is Emee's 7th birthday and we are having her party tonight. It is a Hannah Montana party - I hope that it is "the best of both worlds!" It was supposed to be a backyard party, but I think it will be inside now as it is supposed to rain. Needless to say, we have to "pick up" and the girlies are not real happy about that! I hope to have a lot of pictures to put up after the party. Our camera was "misplaced" for a while so now that it is "found" we can have pictures again! I hadn't thought yet about how it was 8-8-08 - I'm really into thinking that dates like that are neat, but just hadn't thought about it. I am also SUPER excited about the Olympics, but didn't know that 8 was such a special number to the Chinese. Once again, you learn so much in the mornings at the gym!! Of course in my case, just watching the news is so beneficial - I just never do that - I can honestly say that I haven't watched TV at all this summer (except the news at the gym). Poor Dave, he will once again be an Olympic widower!! I LOVE the Olympics!! Actually, maybe he will watch more with me - I think he likes the Summer Games better than the Winter. Kendie has already watched some swimming trials with me so they "will help her be a better swimmer!" Incidentally, I wrote a post about us surviving our Family Reunion in Oklahoma, even though it was 106 degrees (HOT, HOT, HOT!) but I lost the post and didn't feel like writing it again right then! Kendie fell in the lake but remained calm & swam to where my cousin was & when he pulled her out, she said, "Sometimes those things happen..." We weren't outside right then - she had been on a walk with an older, responsible, adult cousin and Kendie didn't come in & tell us they were back - just went to the dock to fish...NOT what she was supposed to do! Anyway, I found out much later that she kept her fishing rod in her hand the whole time - just swam with it!! I think that is so funny! Dave had been concerned how the girlies would do in the water with their clothes on...guess we know one girly will remain calm, cool, and collected!! Better go get busy! Have a good 8-8-08!!!
Random thoughts by Kay at 9:15 AM 0 things that make me smile
Thursday, July 31, 2008
We will be going to Oklahoma tomorrow for my Family Campout. It really isn't a campout anymore, but I guess it started that way. Now we stay in a big "lodge" that accommodates us all. The girlies LOVE it and it is good to get to "catch up" with everyone. We usually have it in September, but are trying it before school starts this year. More people from farther away are getting to come, but I am afraid it is going to be VERY hot!! I'm sure I will have LOTS of pictures next week!
Random thoughts by Kay at 10:00 PM 1 things that make me smile
Monday, July 28, 2008
Trip to Baltimore
Addi & I went to Baltimore (a couple of weeks ago now) for my check-up with Dr. Byrne who did the T3 surgery for me on March 28th.
He was VERY pleased (as am I) with the results, especially since I had so much trouble. He said that I probably lost a couple of mm's since we had to reopen it and said that they could "tighten it up" but I think I will stay away from the OR for a while! I will follow up with my eye doctor here about readjusting my weight as it seems to have "slipped." Even though this is surgery, it should be no problem - I have had it done 4 times already with no problems except bruising (I don't feel that side). He did say that I have some synkinesis - this is usually something that people are NOT happy about, but I am ecstatic!
After having NO nerve movement for 12 years, I am happy about ANY movement - even if is not the desired movement. This surgery had NOTHING to do with nerves so there is really no explanation as to why I have nerve movement now. It is not too terrible - just a little movement of the corner of my mouth when I blink. I forgot my camera so Melynnn let us use hers and was a wonderful photographer for us! We had a BLAST with her - now she is a favorite with Addi too! WE LOVE MELYNN!! Thanks for driving us around and letting us stay with you!!
After the Dr.'s appointment, we went to ride the water taxi and hang out at the "Harbor." We also went to Port Discovery which is a great Children's Museum.
By the end of the day, Addi could hardly walk - I guess we succeeded in trying to think up activities that she would enjoy! The next day we slept in and then went & had a picnic on the campus of Johns Hopkins, went to Charm City Cakes (the cake place in Ace of Cakes on the food network - they won't let you in w/out an appointment and their cakes now cost $1,000!!!), IKEA (blast), shopping, to eat, and then to see Kit - which we all 3 LOVED! Here are a few pictures (I told you Dr. Byrne was a hottie! - he should be on the new show "Hopkins")!! There is also a great picture of Dr. Byrne at www.doctorbyrne.com
Random thoughts by Kay at 12:18 PM 2 things that make me smile
Friday, July 25, 2008
Up and Running...
We are finally back up & running after having our DSL disconnected for over a week. YES, we did pay the bill...it all started when I got a new iPhone (big splurge, but I LOVE it!). We wanted to switch all our services to the same name so we could "bundle" it together - part was in Dave's name and part in mine. No one told us that if we switched the DSL the would have to actually DISCONNECT our service and we could be w/out for up to 15 days!! Crazy! If you change on PHONE service with AT&T, they can switch it on the computer so if you want to change - change the name on the phones - MUCH easier!! Dave finally was able to straighten everything out last night after I had spent, literally hours, on the phone every day with AT&T. Just glad I have Internet back! I will update more later about all our travels and my Dr. visit...
Random thoughts by Kay at 4:33 PM 1 things that make me smile
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Fun in the Sun with Cousins...
We went to Southlake to visit my brother & sister-in-law last week and had a GREAT time staying at their house and hanging out in their pool! The cousins had a super time just being together and playing in the pool and with the Wii. We also went to two of my nephew's baseball games, but I don't have any pictures of that because I took a bunch with their camera and haven't received any from them yet..hint, hint! Addi and her cousin went to volleyball camp each morning and enjoyed that and Amy & I visited & caught some rays!! Thanks cousins for a great time!!
Random thoughts by Kay at 10:09 PM 1 things that make me smile
Saturday, July 5, 2008
As I have stated before, my dryer is still not running. HOWEVER, I have decided to feel good about the fact that I am more GREEN since I am hanging my laundry out instead of drying it all in the dryer. Hopefully our electric bill will be a lot less this month - we'll see. Maybe I can at least off-set it a little from the AC boost in the summer months. I think that I will leave the line up, even after we get the dryer fixed. It is really not that bad! Of course, we'll see how long this "back to basics" lifestyle lasts when I can just throw wet clothes in the dryer AND once our hectic lifestyle kicks in when school starts! Wish me luck! :o)
Random thoughts by Kay at 5:58 PM 0 things that make me smile
Friday, July 4, 2008
Backyard Camping!
The girlies have been wanting to "camp out" in the tent for a while now. Yesterday was a VERY cool day since it had rained the night before & Dave didn't have to get up & go to work today so we did it! We played "Go Fish!" for a while and then all bedded down. I made it until around 2:30 - I had been awake since 1:30 (& off & on since going to sleep). When Dave put the 2nd air mattress in, he put the plastic side up by accident so I kept "sticking" to it every time I tried to move. I decided it was silly to stay out there when I had a comfy bed inside! I knew we were having people over tonight & then watching fireworks late so I didn't want to be too tired! I'm glad I went in, glad that the girlies had so much fun, & even more glad that they have a Daddy that makes everything so fun for them!! Happy 4th of July!!
Random thoughts by Kay at 12:07 PM 0 things that make me smile
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Not much going on here. The girlies & I just returned from the pool and before that we went to Emee's piano lesson. They are having a little snack and then "soapies" - our new term for bath/shower that Addi picked up from camp! Tonight at church they are having the 4th of July Celebration and for dinner hamburgers & hot dogs - I plan on going early to help Vicki with the food. The girls & I are going to Fort Worth on Sunday and staying there until Thursday afternoon. We were trying to figure out a time to go and my niece was signed up for volleyball camp then so Amy suggested that Addi go with her - I know they will have so much fun! We will just hang out by their pool and have fun with cousins (& SIL) - my brother told Amy that he didn't know about that - that was a LOT of females invading their house!! :o) When we return, Dave & the little girlies will leave that Friday afternoon for Houston. Grandma & Grandad are going to keep them while I go back to Baltimore for a check-up. Addi will go with me - a Mommy/Daughter trip. Melynn will get us from the airport and we will stay with her - we are so blessed to have her in our life - what a great friend she has become. I know Addi & I will have a BLAST with her! Poor Dave has to stay here & work :o( My dryer is STILL not working (since June 6th) - I feel like the Ingall's hanging out my wash! At least it is the dryer & not the washer!! We strung a line across our backyard!! However, it has given me a great appreciation for most of the rest of the world who does that all the time and NEVER has soft towels or sheets!
That is all for now! :o) Happy 4th of July!!
Random thoughts by Kay at 3:48 PM 1 things that make me smile
Monday, June 30, 2008
I have messed this all up!! I was hoping to change the background & thought that was what I was doing when actually I accidentally got rid of my slide show!! I may have this background FOREVER!! Hopefully, I will get to get the slide show back tomorrow. I could not ever (I have tried since March) get my password on Project Playlist so tonight I made a new one using my mom's address. Mine had temporarily stopped playing music! Anyway, the old one started playing & now I can't view my new one! It is late & I am going to bed - I hope that tomorrow it will all easily be resolved - it will be a new day!! :o)
Random thoughts by Kay at 11:02 PM 0 things that make me smile
Friday, June 27, 2008
We're BACK!!!
Random thoughts by Kay at 12:21 PM 1 things that make me smile