Wednesday, November 12, 2008


No, this isn't a Halloween is the new name for my youngest girly!! Imagine my surprise when I rounded the corner the other afternoon to this sight...needless to say I was a bit taken aback!! Just in case you don't get it - that is the TOP of the door frame!! I don't think that it would have been SUCH a surprise if I had ever seen her "attempting" to do this, but I have NEVER seen her do anything close to this! Wonder what will be next??

2 things that make me smile:

Texas Dimons said...

We used to do that...between walls too! Much to the dismay of my mother...imagine wiping the footprints off the walls of 11 children doing that!! :) To answer your question...when the magazine is ready it will be available for the post around the 15th of December with the link!

RaisingRowdyBoys, Missy said...

That looks like something my boys have attempted at one point or another! How about a playdate Thurdsay or Friday after they get out? I texted you today, but I don't know if you get texts.--Mis