Tuesday, November 25, 2008


It has been a bit busy here (like it isn't usually?) with Addi's birthday and getting ready for Grandma and Grandad's visit for Addi's birthday (& Emee's piano recital). They got here Saturday before all the games/recitals and then left for Houston this morning. We (the 5 of of us & Mimi) are leaving tomorrow when Dave gets off work to go to my brother's in Fort Worth. It is our year to be here for Thanksgiving but we thought that a change in scenery would do us all good and since there is nothing (or rather no one) tying us here - we are off! I guess I should get up & get some laundry started so we will have clean clothes to take!

1 things that make me smile:

Debbi said...

Hey Kay-

I was just getting caught up on your blog and really enjoyed the story of Sophie, er Sport! Hard to imagine a life without pets, isn't it? And, the ones that God unexpectedly sends us are always a bit more special...