Friday, June 27, 2008

We're BACK!!!

We are finally back home and I have LOTS of pictures to post. I just think that pictures add to the entries, don't you?? We went to Branson and hung out for a couple of days before going to the closing ceremonies at camp. We went to Silver Dollar City one day and then the next day we were planning on going to the lake/beach but it was closed due to all the rain. We went back to the motel and showered & changed and went to the Butterfly Palace instead! (I included a couple of pictures of me so that if you are interested, you can kind of see how my face is after everything!!) After that, we went to see Addi -- it was SOOOOOO great to see our girly -- we missed her and she missed us, but she had an incredible time. Her little sisters were VERY glad to see her too. She chose tennis as her speciality and received the 110% award in that sport. Thanks to my friend, Kelly, for all her help and advice in getting us ready to go! Here are some pictures - of course, they didn't load like I wanted them to, but at least you can see them!

1 things that make me smile:

Julie said...

Oh my goodness! Kay!!! You look amazing! :)

I am so glad Addi had fun at camp. I was DYING to send Grant this year, as I know he was just MADE for camp. But Mr. Budget says that is a 2-income luxury. Maybe someday!

The pics are great - looks like so much fun.

Love, J