Friday, September 5, 2008


I have been looking for a PART-time job now for a few weeks - not pounding the pavement, but definitely getting the word out, applying at a couple of places (to tutor with the school district), and making some calls. I have not heard anything positive BUT I am convinced that all this is happening for a reason. I'm not real sure what that is right now but I know it will all make sense later! I still need to have my eye weight repaired so maybe I need to wait until that is over and done with. I went to my regular eye doctor last Tuesday and now he is sending me to another - I see him a week from this Tuesday. In the mean time, I have been making pretty good use of my time (I think...hope!). Just in the past few days, I have spoken to 4 different people who were in various stages of the whole acoustic neuroma journey - 1 was just diagnosed, 1 is just researching options (even though she was diagnosed a couple of months ago was waiting for summer to be over), 1 had surgery in January and is just wanting to find out more of the recovery time-line (she is in Canada), & 1 was just having a crummy day - I'm not exactly sure how far out she is, maybe 3 months (she is the only other person that I have known of that has had her eye sewn shut). It is such a good feeling to know that I can maybe do a little to help someone go through something that I have. Unfortunately, that doesn't pay the bills, but it sure makes me feel good! I also am working trying to get the food secured for our Hoedown at the girlies' school and various other tasks for the 5th Grade Committee that I am in charge of! All that and then running girlies EVERYWHERE in the afternoons...& I wonder why I am tired?? Time to go to bed now... :o)

2 things that make me smile:

Hrissy said...

i just watched the news here in Bulgaria. They were telling of the great damages AIK hurricane inflicted to Texas. How are you? is everything alright with and your family?
I use this site to get in contact with you (pls excuse me)but i can't run ana forum for some reason all day long!
Hope you are all well and to hear from you shortly!
warm hugs,

Kay said...

We are all OK here - we are a good ways away from all the mess that Ike left. Dave's family lives in Houston & we have been in touch with them several times - they are all fine (thank goodness), just LOTS of destruction! Thanks for asking!