Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day of School

Yesterday was the 1st Day of School here (as I think it probably was for all PUBLIC schools in TEXAS since they passed that new law last year!) We were SOOOOOOO excited - the girlies, not necessarily mom! - and we had really built it up that they would all be at the same school this 1 year. Even bigger than that, it was Kendie's 1st day of Kindergarten...and she was sick! She had to stay home!! I was so sad for her to have to miss it. Her teacher sent her an e-mail and told her that all of her new friends were worried about her. Her reply, "WOW! I already have new friends!" Thank you Ms. Rhonda for taking the extra time & effort to make her feel special! Another funny thing that she said the other day when I told her we needed to get her special ring that I have gotten for all the girlies when they go to Kindergarten so they know that Mommy & Daddy love them was, "NO! I don't want a ring - I KNOW that y'all love me!" Ok, well I guess that'll save some money...I have to go now as I have a very impatient little who wants to play Noggin.com!!

4 things that make me smile:

Vicky said...

I stumbled across your blog while reading someone else's blog. I couldn't leave without telling you that you have three beautiful girls. I love their expression in your photo header.

You don't know me and I don't you. I hope you don't mind me leaving a comment.

Anonymous said...

well, my dear... the girlies are back to school and Kendie's in Kindergarden! What are you going to do with yourself now that all 3 are in school together? I say a medi/pedi! :)

Hugglez... you know it!

Alison said...

So cute! Love the bows! :) I still cannot believe K is in Kinder! Poor girl being sick on the first day, kind of great that she missed all the crazy that happens! This was my first year to not go back to school, weird. Love you!

RaisingRowdyBoys, Missy said...

Hey stranger!

Can't believe summer is over and I didn't see you once! I did keep up w/ ya'll by reading your blog. Boy ya'll were crazy busy this summer!! Aidan is loving Kindergarten. The girls pics are so cute! I just started my blog so there is nothing there yet, just wanted to say Hi!
