Monday, September 29, 2008

A WHOLE week??

Where did time go? I can't believe that I haven't written in over a week. I had surgery on Tuesday morning and I guess that kind of took me out that day and then I took Wednesday really easy. I guess I am getting old as I didn't "hit the ground running" like I have before after these eye surgeries. Of course, I knew that I had the Hoedown on Friday so I had save my energy for that. I think all in all the Hoedown went well - I started setting up for it that morning at 9:30 and got home about 9 that night. Aside from the fact that we at least broke even, the best thing is that it is OVER!! :o) Saturday we had a soccer game in the morning and 2 volleyball games that afternoon. Sunday was church, soccer game and KidzPraize. Mom watched the girlies and Dave & I went out to dinner last night. Note to self: don't try to go out in this town on a Sunday night - we had already found out that everything was closed on Monday nights, but we didn't know everything was closed on Sundays too. We wound up eating at the 6th restaurant we went to (Chili's)...and it is right down the street from our house!! Emee told Dave that we needed to change our "Date Night" so we could go to a "Fancy Restaurant" but hey, you gotta go when someone offers to watch your kiddos!! Isn't that an exciting weekend?? I will try to put up some pictures tomorrow!

2 things that make me smile:

RaisingRowdyBoys, Missy said...

I know, do restaurants think they are hairdressers or something. . . . . ?!

Aidan was looking at Kendies pic of lost tooth the other night and realized he hadn't seen her all summer.

RaisingRowdyBoys, Missy said...

Okay, our computer crashed this summer, so I need your email address again! Aidan says he wants to play w/ Kendie, so I told him maybe we could schedule a play date. Then he said "Her sisters always fight over me" I said why? Aidan: "They like me or something!" Kids :)