Friday, November 7, 2008

New Family Member

Well, we are getting quite the menagerie here! Last Saturday morning while we were sitting around lingering over breakfast, we started talking about cats. Kendie kept saying things about the cats that we used to have (even though there is absolutely no way she could remember them - IF they were still around when she was born) and calling one of them Sophie. I kept telling her they were named Petey and Macy. After breakfast, we all went outside (it was BEAUTIFUL day here) to shoot baskets in the back. After a while, the girlies moved to the front and guess what?? There was a sweet, little cat there. It was not a baby kitten, but not a full grown cat either. Dave said that we were NOT getting a cat and I was fine with that too. I love cats, but I didn't want to think about cat hair and litter boxes! Oh yeah and we already have 2 dogs and a fish...Anyway, later that afternoon when we returned from Addi's basketball game and the cat was still here, Addi had an opened can of tuna! I asked her WHAT she was doing with that and she replied, "Daddy told me to give it to the cat!" Hmmmmm...he did, did he?? Long story short, the cat stayed around - we didn't bring it in & it slept on the bench on our porch so Monday night when Dave came home, he said we should go to PetSmart and get supplies (& a collar) so we could keep the cat - it is getting cold, you know...Oh yeah, guess what the cat's name is? Sophie, of course. The girlies told my mom it was short for Sopaipilla!

1 things that make me smile:

Sue said...

Sophie's one lucky cat!