Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Not a whole lot to report today except that I am very discouraged. I even went to bed for a while today, so those that know me know that I didn't feel well -- I guess there is just not much that stops me! Part of is that it just makes me sad that the world we live in has come to what it is. I totally understand that a Dr. has to cover his behind because of lawsuits, but when did things change from just caring for people because they need help? Isn't that the "Oath" or something? It makes me so sad to think that we live in world (& my precious girlies are growing up in) that is only concerned about "ME"... how can I teach my kids to take care of others? I know it has become very cliche' but what WOULD Jesus have done? Is this how he took care of people? I am VERY thankful for my Dr. who has stepped up & is doing what he can. However, I was hoping to see SOME little change so I would at least THINK the medicine was working. I think that the thing that bothers me the most was that I didn't HAVE to have this surgery. For those of you that have reading this blog from when I first found about about the T3, I ask the very question of should I even consider this because it is taking time and energy away from my girls. I did not get this done because I was hindered in any way by the fact that my face looked funny...I didn't NOT do anything because I was ashamed. I did it because everybody said that I deserved it. Well, now it IS taking away from time that I should be taking care of my husband & girls! My biggest fear is that my girls are going to grow up with the memory that Mom was always sick & in bed and that other people had to take care of them all the time. It is ME I am upset with because it was ultimately MY decision. I know I just don't feel very good but unless things change DRASTICALLY between now and in the morning, I will be heading to Houston for who knows how long while we all put our lives on hold...I guess I'll just go have a pity party now!
On a brighter note...I did go to the eye doctor today to have him check on my eye since Dr. Byrne changed the weight and he was very pleased & thought it looked great (of course, it is still bruised and is more swollen b/c my face is swollen from the infection).
Hope your day was better than mine!! :o)

2 things that make me smile:

Anonymous said...

another cliche... my mom constantly reminds me during my days of "whoa".....

...this, too, shall pass.....

Sending the hugglezzzzzz! Hang in there hun! we are certainly entitled to our good days and not-so-good days... here's hoping for a better tomorrow.


Lara said...

...and your girlies will grow up witnessing what it like to have have people being the hands and feet of Jesus. Doing for you what you can't do right now. And doing the kinds of things that I'm pretty sure you often do for others. Hang in there and don't be so hard on yourself. Loving you!