Thursday, April 10, 2008

This and that...

Here are some pictures from our week. Kendie had "Cowboy Day" on Tuesday, but if you ask her, it was CowGIRL Day! We got out her boots and they were too small so I started calling all her little friends to see if anyone had boots that we could borrow. We found some from Jackie - even though her mom was concerned that they were so dirty. I just told Kendie that they were REAL cowgirl boots and Jackie had used them with the horses on the farm. I told her that we were only "borrowing" them (she wore them solid from the time we got them) and so she has been VERY conscientious about us needing to get them back to her -- she even came home that day and put them by the front door so we could return them. Addi had "Voices from the Alamo" yesterday and she was Santa Anna. She had written a paper in 1st person as that character and when someone came up, they read it outloud to them. Thanks to Alice for helping me get the pins and the hat from the costume shop!! The other picture was on the camera and I just thought that it was so cute. I don't know how many of you remember when we moved to this house, our change of address cards were a picture of the 3 of them in bed together all on top of each other (it said we needed "a bigger place"). Well, here we are, 3 years later, bigger girlies, and their all still in bed together! To top it all off, the first time it was a FULL size bed...this time it is Emee's TWIN bed!! Good thing they love each least when they are sleeping!! :o)
I am doing well...I think that I overdid it Tuesday...I was really tired yesterday, but wanted to go to Addi's Alamo thing so I did that, went to Bible class, and then came home & spent the rest of the day and evening in bed. My new plan of attack is that I don't have much the next few days so I plan to lay low and rest and then hopefully Monday I'll be ready to come back strong!! I think the swelling & bruising is improving drastically EVERY day!! I will put up a picture tomorrow since it will be 2 weeks. OH YEAH...I went & weighed today at Weight Watchers and I made my goal!! Not really a big surprise since I couldn't open my mouth for a few days, but at least now I can start the 6 week wait and then be a LifeTime Member and not have to pay anymore!!

2 things that make me smile:

Anonymous said...

Kay..."day by day, inch by inch..." please rest this weekend... I'm sending the energy to help the cause!

Now, as for the piccies of the girls... OMG! Too precious!!!!!! Cowgirl, eh? :) too cute!

.. and thanks for checking on me... I promise... I'm fine! now YOU be well, you hear me?!!?!?

Anonymous said...


I haven't checked your blog in a few days so I just saw the pics. You are looking good and are making so much progress - that's great! Be sure to rest and take care of yourself. I know it's hard. When you feel good, you just want to do so much and be back to a normail routine, but it takes a long time to heal so listen to yur body. Keep up the great progress and congrats on meeting your WW goal!!! I'll be checking back often to see how you're doing. All my best -
