Sunday, April 13, 2008

A little bump in the road...

Well, we have been watching my cheek because it was "hard" - we even asked Dr. Byrne about this when they took my stitches out. He said it was probably a hematoma (?) and that it would go away, just take a little longer. On Friday (I think), it started draining at a couple of places in my incision - nothing too gross...& we have been really monitoring it - and the "hard" spot seemed to soften. It is still draining...pretty much continuously...and when I woke up this morning, my face is swollen worse -- if fact, my eye is more swollen also (I think it is from my cheek, not my eye). I will be trying to call someone today, but when I was unable to sleep last night, I wondered if Dr. Byrne could even write a script for me to get filled in Texas -- I don't know how that works...I think I am going to have my neighbor (ER doc) look at it today...we'll see. Anyway, please just say a little prayer for me...we were making such good progress... I know it will all be OK, I just want to make sure I do what I need to do to make it THE BEST!! :o)

3 things that make me smile:

Anonymous said...


Keeping fingers crossed that this hurdles is extremely brief and the docs (regardless if TX or your neighbor) can give insight for what is going on... a few prayers and healing huggles coming your way from me to you.

Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

k, btw, ty for the updates on 16. Pls tell her I've got kisses to her forehead (got the same for you). Everyone having a rough time and knowing your prayers and wishes (as well as mine) keep everyone uplifted. Thank you for ALL you do... and please hang in there.

melynn said...

oh no! Do I need to go visit Dr. Byrne for you?

Keep us posted on what the doctors say. I will pray for you and the swelling.