Friday, April 4, 2008

Greetings from TEXAS!!!!!

We are here...& I am TIRED!! We got to the airport early this morning and everything went on schedule until we got to Luv Field. We were supposed to land at 1:50 and our next flight leave at 2:20. We knew we needed to hurry, but the girl doing the wheelchairs (yes, I got a wheelchair & BOY, am I glad...) couldn't quite get it together or understand our need to hurry so finally Dave pushed me. We hurried to the monitor only to find out that our flight had been delayed...we finally left at around 4 (we were supposed to be home at 3:30). It is good to be home and even better to see the girlies!! So wonderful to get those sweet hugs -- Dave & I think we will make them a palette on the floor in our room tonight so that we can all sleep together!! :o) We know that they were well cared for while we were gone - THANKS MOM!!-- but still glad to be reunited. There were signs from church and 4 floral bouquets and 1 cookie one for the girlies! We definitely feel loved! Thanks, if you will excuse me, I'm going to go lay down & take a nap!!!

3 things that make me smile:

Anonymous said...

Kay - there's no place like home! I'm sure the girls are ecstatic to see Mommy and Daddy! I hope Grandma didn't spoil them too much.

Your pictures are amazing. What a difference you can see in just a few days! Your smile looks like it's just ready to be turned loose on the world!

You are truly an amazing lady! Rest up and thank Dave for keeping us informed!


Scott & Erica said...

ouch! but, wow, you can already see results! you are very brave and blessed. continue to heal!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are home safely. I saw the weather and was a little concerned for yours and Dave's trip home. Wow the pictures are indeed painful to look at. I think I see some signs of your mouth turning upwards. I can not wait to see your first smile. Take care of yourself and don't forget to rest when you need it. Kisses to your forehead. Love your newest BFF......Kim