Monday, April 14, 2008

Not good, but could be worse...

So here is the face is not getting better (the hard spot) and it was very swollen again this morning. I e-mailed pictures and called Dr. Byrne to follow-up like the doctor on call told me yesterday. After talking to Dr. Byrne, he thinks that I have to have a "fluid drain" done (basically packing it w/ new gauze soaked in sterile saline). They might have to open up the incision a bit to do this, but they have to get all that fluid out so that it doesn't turn into a horrible infection. He suggested an ENT (first he ask me how far I was from Houston - FAR - as he has a colleague and friend there). The first one I called (who I have heard RAVE reviews of), the office girl was SUPER nice, took all my info and Dr. Byrne's number, said she would talk to the Dr. & call me back -- that took 2 hours. When she did call back she said that the Dr. said that since it had only been 2 weeks, I should go back to the Dr. that did it -- that he didn't want to get involved this soon!! I called another ENT that I have used before and his office staff was not near as helpful and said I could come in Wednesday afternoon. When I ask to speak to the nurse, I was told that she was w/ patients and that she "might" call me back today, but it would probably be tomorrow! Finally, I called my PCP (which I should've done in the 1st place, but I thought this new, cutting edge ENT would be the way to go) and they called me RIGHT back - I go in tomorrow and she assures me that he can do whatever needs to be done &/or set me up with the wound center. He will also put me on antibiotics when he sees me. It is not life or death at this point, it just needs to be taken care of. Unfortunately, this will impede the whole healing process, but in the whole scheme of things, what is a week or two? Dr. Byrne did say that out of all the cases they have done, they have only had 1 other one that has had ANY kind of problems. I told him that if there was a chance something could go wrong, it'd be with ME!! Please keep praying!!

3 things that make me smile:

Anonymous said...


Sending lots of healing huggles.... prayers and wishes that this hurdle is conquered quickly. Welcome to the wonderful world of dealing with the "front offices", eh? Can be so dang frustrating! you hang in there, I have a sneaky feeling the curly girlies are giving Mommy the hugz she needs right now... and sending some your way, from me to you.


melynn said...

Yikes! Sounds like you've had fun talking to dr.'s offices. I will pray for this procedure to be minor and easy.

Come on back to Baltimore and I'll take you to see Dr. Byrne!!


Debbi said...


My prayers are wtih you. Keep pushing the doctors - you are a fighter, so I know you won't hesitate to do this. In the meantime, you are in my thoughts.
