Monday, April 21, 2008


I went to the Infectious Disease Dr. this morning -- well, I went to his office, but I did see him too. I had to get blood tests, do my "infusion" (IV) there, & then get more blood tests. It all took quite a while...and I have to do the whole thing again next Monday! They wanted the results from the culture so they would know whether or not to keep the antibiotics the same this week and they couldn't find the results (one Dr. took them in his office-they thought that the hospital had them...blah, blah, blah). Anyway, they finally sent me home & we had to go back this afternoon. After all that, they said that the culture didn't grow ANYTHING (I think they lost it!) and so I have to stay on the same regimen until next week -- 2 bags at night, 1 in the morning. I came home (to an empty house yet again - I've never been home alone so much in my life!) and sat outside -in the shade- and read a book. It was beautiful and I thought that it would be better than sitting in bed again! Mom took me this afternoon to get my new IV stuff for the next week and we ran a couple of errands. We were right by where Hi-De-Do is and Mom needed to drop something off there so I ran in & said "Hi!" I think it was good for her to see me and see that I am OK -- she may not can say much, but she is still sharp as a tack & I know she was worried when I was in the hospital. It was good to get out...if only for a few minutes!
It's 8:00 - got to go get hooked up to the IV!!

4 things that make me smile:

Lara said...

Remember to rest, my friend!

Anonymous said...

day by day, inch by inch......


Texas Dimons said...

You're in my prayers...keep resting!

Debbi said...

Would it help if we ordered you to get better at once? In a stern, mommy-like voice? Seriously, make sure you are following doctor's orders every step of the way and that you are getting enough rest. The body is a wonderful machine, but it does need to be cared for - just like a Ferrari!

Feel better - you're beautiful!