Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Who knows...

So here is the scoop of what is going on here...basically, Kendie has the FLU (Type B) and so my life has come to a SCREECHING halt - which is not a bad thing!! We all have had our flu shots this year, but apparently they were aimed more at the "A" type and so a LOT of people are coming down with the other. You can tell ahe just doesn't feel well, but she has times of being OK. Pray that we don't all come down with it!! :o)

On another note, since I have reconnected with the whole Acoustic Neuroma thing and have been on their website a lot, I have contacted them to be on their Willing To Talk (WTT) list. When people contact them wanting information on AN, they send out an information packett that includes a list of people that are willing to be contacted to answer their questions or just listen and be there for them. This is something that I would LOVE and really look forward to doing. I made the intial call today, but sounds like I just have to fill out some paperwork and then I can do it (if they accept me!). Also, I have been "talking" to a lady in Florida that had a Temporalis Tendon Transfer (TTT) done to help with her face/smile. She seems to think that I would be a candidate for this if my tendon is still in tact - which it should be. If that is the case, it doesn't matter how long you have had your paralysis. WOW...what a lot to consider!! I have contacted John Hopkins (I could sing "Good Morning Baltimore!) and hope to hear from them soon. I'm torn even thinking about it because I think it is kind of selfish spending time & energy (not to mention $$) on myself when my family needs it. BUT, as my SILs remind me, maybe I do need to do something for me for a change! We'll see...it is still just in the "prayer & research" stage! Let me know what your thoughts are (& I would certainly appreciate prayers)!!!

2 things that make me smile:

Anonymous said...

Hi K You know I think you are perfect just the way you are. If this is decided that this is what you would like you have my full support and prayers! Every now and then you deserve something for your self and you family will support you what ever you decide. I got your link to your pictures and I love them. I'm still trying to get my husband to finish mine and will send you a link as soon as I can. Your new BFF Kim

Unknown said...

Kay, that would be so awesome, if you decide to go that route. I think you are beautiful just as you are but if you decide to do this you have my full support and prayers. I love your blog and try to check it out once a week or more. Love seeing the pretty girlies in all the pix as well.