Monday, January 19, 2009

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

It has been a whole week since I last wrote here and we have been busy. I had Rachel again last week. We LOVED having her with us & will miss her! She was probably ready to be away from us - from me dragging her around to find party goods to us blasting the Mama Mia soundtrack and dancing through out the house - I'm sure she wondered where these crazy people came from!! Mike, Amy & their kids came in Friday night to spend the weekend going through Hi-De-Do's house - let me correct that - to START going through her house (honestly, I can't even begin to describe how much stuff there is...I'll start by saying she was a Charter Member of Precious Moments and had over 400 figurines - complete with boxes)!! However, the REAL reason they came was that we had a "surprise" 70th birthday party for my mom Saturday night. She had pretty much figured it out since family kept coming in, but we had a good time anyway. The service at the restaurant left a LOT to be desired, but overall, it was a good time. I have pictures that I will try to get up later. Speaking of pictures, I got a new lens for my camera (it helps when you work for a couple of weeks!:o)) and I am so excited!! It is a telephoto zoom so I didn't really get to try it out until Emee's ice skating lesson yesterday! LOVE IT! We are also very excited because our photography class starts Thursday night! Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

2 things that make me smile:

Carol von Cannon said...

Wow! I'm glad you found me. I sure could use a friend that's been through this. I'm being evaluated now, but my tumor is small and I'm afraid that I could be worse after surgery. Anyway, I love your pictures! Your girls are precious. I'm new to this so I don't quite have the hang of getting things out the way I'd really like to.

RaisingRowdyBoys, Missy said...

I helped my aunt clean out my nano's house. I don't think she ever threw anything away. She has every note, letter, and card she was ever given. My letters from girl scout camp, notes my brothers & I left when coming and going, etc. It can be so overwhelming, but the things I found from my years with here are priceless.