Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Going to Get the GIRLIES...broken AC!

Here I sit trying to think of what I need to pack to go get the girlies from camp and a couple of days in Branson. When I packed the girls for camp, I did not pack for the days AFTER camp so I trying to figure out what they have and what I need to take. Plus, I need to pack the least amount of stuff as possible because we have their 2 trunks and laundry bags filled with dirty, stinky laundry to get back!! We have a Honda van that has that "well" in the back so we should be OK with the trunks, but still not a lot of room for all our stuff (Dave, my mom & me). I have already bought the super HOUSE Renuzit air fresheners to stick in the back with the stinky laundry!! We will drive to OKC tonight and then on to Branson tomorrow for the Closing Ceremonies - I am READY TO SEE MY GIRLIES!!

Other news, I am sitting here waiting for the air conditioner repairman to get here...YEP, our AC is not working! Thankfully, we have 2 units and the one that cools our bedrooms is still OK so the night wasn't too bad but we certainly don't want to come home to a miserably hot house since it is supposed to be between 96-100 while we are gone! I have just been praying over and over that it is something that can be fixed easily and INEXPENSIVELY (we just bought a new frig, by golly!)! Oh...he is here - gotta go! Have a good rest of the week & weekend everybody! Oh yeah....when we return from Branson, I will turn right around and leave the next day to drive to Abilene to pick Kendie up - can't wait to see that girl either, but at least I have been able to talk to her on the phone and thru iChat!

2 things that make me smile:

baldsue said...

Safe travels and a cool return.

Clementine said...

Isn't that how it always happens? The minute you buy an appliance, something else breaks. My goodness, it seems like yesterday that you just packed them for camp. This summer is flying!