Monday, February 16, 2009

Presidents' Day

Since today was Presidents' Day, Dave had the day off. The girlies had to go to school and so Dave and I were able to spend a VERY RARE day to ourselves. Well, we did take Emee to the Dr. but after that we took her back to school and then ran some errands and had lunch. It was so nice to just spend the day together - we just don't ever get to that! Dave was razzing Addi about her having to go to school and told her he would think about her when he was laying in bed and she was at school Monday (he told her this on Sunday) and her quick response was, "...and I'll be thinking about you ALL SUMMER LONG when you have to go to work..." - quick thinking! :o) I love you Dave!!

1 things that make me smile:

Hrissy said...

what is the President's day like?