Monday, June 2, 2008

Summer...& back to the gym...

Well, today was the 1st day that the girlies were out of school for the summer and believe it or not, they got along pretty well. Of course that is because I threatened them that we wouldn't go swimming if they didn't play nice together! We went to their school to turn in Kendie's paperwork for Kindergarten ( I was in Houston at the Dr. on that set aside day) and Emee said it was "Weird" being there in the summer (1 day?). We then went to WalMart and did quite a bit of shopping (this is where the REAL threat was!!). When we returned, they unloaded the groceries from the car and put them up - I really think Addi did most of this. Imagine my surprise when I found the instant pudding mix (I have to make banana pudding for a funeral meal tomorrow) in the fridge!! We do usually keep pudding in the refrigerator...We did make it to the pool - it was 103 when we passed the bank sign on the way home and I think that the wind was blowing at about that speed too! Today was also the day that I returned to the gym! I didn't go quite as early since I don't have to rush home & get the girlies ready for school. I didn't do near as much as I used to do but since I hadn't been in 10 weeks, I figured I should take it slow! I guess I better go to bed since I have to get up early to get to the gym tomorrow! Nite, Nite, don't let the bedbugs bite!! :o)

1 things that make me smile:

Anonymous said...

Ah, summertime in the south! 103 degrees, curly girlies splashing in the water, mom doing the mom thang.. .and hun, I'm very proud of you! Hop that treadmill for me! I miss it terribly!

Have a great lazy-hazy-dayz of summer. BTW, flying into heatwave myself tomorrow... all 90's while we are there. thanks for blowing it in for our family visit!
