Friday, January 8, 2010

Old Friends are the Best Friends!

I don't know if I have ever had a BEST friend (aside from Dave)...& contrary to what a lot of people would say now, I still don't have a BFF. I have always been blessed to be surrounded by a BUNCH of great friends and I have never wanted to single anyone out by saying, "Oh, _______ is my BEST friend!" I have some friends that are better than others and I have had friends that are really good friends for a "season" - I think that we should live everyday like it was our last & enjoy the company that is there with us right then!! This week, it turned out that I had lunch on three different days with 3 different friends/groups of friends and they were all wonderful! Obviously, I share interests with all these girls, but I think it is interesting to think back and realize how different they all are AND how different our "connections" are...however, I love them all and cherish the time that we spent together laughing and talking! The first was girls that I am on PTA with and we had just finished a meeting, the second was someone that I get along with great but have just recently started to hang out with because I am working for her with photography and the last was a very dear, longtime friend and my maid of honor when I got married. (Just as an aside, I had to stop writing so I could run to WalMart and get ketchup - Addi went with me & we had this whole discussion about friends because apparently everybody at school has changed friends because the new semester began & everyone's in different classes - kind of weird how all that was at the same time I was writing this!) The thing that prompted this whole entry is that we talk about different things with different people and I think it is all dependent on how well, & a lot of times, how LONG you have been friends. Today, my friend & I were discussing how different people hold pens/ dorky is that? I am almost 40 years old, I go to lunch with a good friend and we talk about how to hold a pen. We also discussed how you erase when you are marking with a pencil and you make a mistake - I personally just kind of twist it in my hand but I had a friend all through school who would lay her pencil down and then pick it up so that she could erase. When she finished erasing, she would place it on the desk again to grab the other end...not wrong...just different - kind of like all our different friends! At a pause in our conversation, I told my friend that that was one of the reasons that I loved our friendship because we could discuss anything and have a great time just being together. We got tickled when I said people would think we were crazy when they asked what we talked about at lunch and we replied, "Well, how you grip a pencil, of course!" BTW, how do you hold a pencil and how do you erase?? :o)

3 things that make me smile:

Celee said...

I agree- old friends are the best. My theory is that we don't have time to develop friendships today the way we did when we were single. I have many wonderful friends, like you, but we never seem to spend much time with one another. My friends Teresa and I are still close. We were best friends from age 5-. We have a lifetime of memories together. It was so fun when we had our boys together and now she just had a baby girl after I had Lu. She's going through a huge trial with her and it's heartbreaking, but anyway the point is I still feel that close to her.

I have no idea how to hold a pen. This is why I send my kids to Kindergarten first before they come home to do homeschool with me.

Debbi said...

There is nothing better than girlfriends (okay, well, maybe our husbands, but you know what I mean!) I love the time I spend with my girlfriends - we can talk about everything and nothing and have a great time doing it. Women's friendships are so different than men's. Think about it - guys tend to talk about action things - sports, cars, jobs. Women talk about ... well, everything. Even how to hold a pencil or pen...

Connie Peterson said...

Thank you, Kay, for your comment. I have forwarded your blog and comment to Joy and also to friend Jody, who also has acoustic neuroma, but her's is smaller so they are just checking it. If you could email me some details of your operation, etc? I will send them on. Email at ... .....
