Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day of Firsts...

Today was Kendie's 1st ever basketball game! They did well and I was very proud of them, even though coaching 1st grade girls when they know NOTHING of basketball, is kind of like herding cats!! It is a good thing they didn't call walking, double dribble, running, double get the picture. Kendie didn't play her best - she was just kind of out there, but I think you can tell by the pictures that she just doesn't look like she feels well. I guess it is back to the Dr. tomorrow - we are getting VERY good at going to the doctor on call on the weekends. I bet she has strep again - bet she is a carrier - if so, I will be talking to them about getting her tonsils removed. Could you tell that Kendie had been drinking BLUE Gatorade?

Another first today was that I did my first photography shoot. My friend, Nancy, told her granddaughter that I was getting into photography and so she and I went out and took some pictures. She was GREAT to work with and VERY patient with me. I think that we got some good shots and I can learn a lot when I go back & edit. Here's a couple that haven't been edited or anything. Thanks, Elizabeth!

We have another game tomorrow - wish us luck!

3 things that make me smile:

Clementine said...

Miss Kay, you are getting good, girl! You shoot like a pro!!!! Love the new blog look and your babies are so beautiful! I can't believe how fast they are growing.

Clementine said...

BTW, I forgot to say that I hope your baby girl feels better!

Anonymous said...

Kay -

love the third picture of Nancy's granddaughter. I like the other ones, too. But the third one is my favorite. I also love the new look of your site - especially the purple, pink & green. VERY nice!

Hope Kendie feels better soon.
