Sunday, August 9, 2009

Girlies Gone Again...:o(

The girlies are gone again...this time to Camp Imani and the Hyatt Hill Country with all of Dave's family. They flew out yesterday to Houston to Grandma's house and then they will drive to the camp outside of San Antonio. They should be GOOD GIRLS this year since they will have spent so much time at Christian camps all summer!! I know that they will have a great time and more importantly, they will get to spend a LOT of time with almost ALL of their cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents on that side. Dave & I will not be joining them at the Hyatt this year and we are very sad to miss out on time spent with the family. We will be going instead to the National Acoustic Neuroma Symposium in Chicago. We waited and waited to make our plans because it was the same weekend as the Hyatt trip usually is and then we got word that we WERE NOT going to the Hyatt this year (too many college age kids returning to school that weekend) so we made all of our reservations. THEN everyone figured out that it could work but it was too late for us as we had already booked and paid for everything. We are so thankful that our kids will still enjoy time with family THANKS GRANDMA & GRANDAD!! We are VERY excited about Chicago though as neither of us have ever been there and it will be the first time in 3 YEARS that we have been on a trip ALONE - except for a medical procedure!!

3 things that make me smile:

baldsue said...

Have a good time!

Hrissy said...

you are flying to this year's symposium in Chicago!! oh great! say hi to all the AN people you meet there!
I know it is educational and exciting! Have a safe and romantic trip yu both!


Clementine said...

Thank you for the calendar idea, Miss Kay! I hope your girlies are home safe and sound and that ya'll are enjoying your last days of summer sunshine!